Serious Dog Attacks on Infants & Children: Understanding Behaviors to Inform a Preventive Approach
Aggressive Behavior
Sometimes, the WORST Thing you can do is hire a “Trainer”
Value Ratios: Helping Problematic Behaviors Around High-Value Resources
Stress at the Vet...the Dreaded Vet Clinic Lobby Waiting Area
What to Do When the Dog Gets it Wrong
"He Won’t Do Anything Unless I have a Treat!"
What is Good Leadership? Love, Direction, Communication, and Understanding
Grief Can Bring Personality Changes and Behavior Challenges in Pets
A Scientific Look at the Physics of Leash Pulling and No-Pull Dog Equipment
Aging Brings Behavior Changes: How We Can Help
If you let your big dog jump and climb on people....
Trust and Trauma Affecting the Dog/Human Relationship
What Makes a Dog a “Dog”?
Dopamine: Making Behavior Substitutions More Successful
Is Your Dog Getting His Five Freedoms?
Dominance and Pet Dogs: The Elephant in the Room
A Comprehensive Look at Canine Anxiety
Does My Dog Need Training?
Urine marking in Dogs: Piss, Postulation, and Preparation
Attention: the most valuable resource in shortest supply